Mozilla FireFox متصفح فايرفوكس العريق اقوي المتصفحات واكثرها استخداما
 متصفح يتمتع بأستقرار عالي وحمايه كبيره
 يمتاز بسرعه كبيره في تصفح المواقع
 مجموعه من الاضافات الرائعه تستطيع استخدامها وايضا تغيير واجهه المتصفح من مئات الالاف من الثيمات
 يتوفر المتصفح بجميع اللغات ومن ضمنها العربيه والانجليزيه والفرنسيه
 يتيح لك فايرفوكس انشاء حساب بايميلك لتتمكن من حفظ جميع المواقع التي تريدها وكلمات السر وحتي الاضافات لتستطيع الوصول لها في اي وقت ومن اي جهاز

Mozilla Firefox is a fast, secure and easy to use web browser. It offers many advantages over other web browsers. This award-winning, open source web browser is packed with advanced security features designed to help you stay safe, and in control, online.

The optimized Firefox lets you view Web pages way faster. Becaus it uses a tabbed browsing, the ability to block pop-up windows and less of your computer’s memory. Also it allows you to synchronize your browsing across multiple devices.

Access your bookmarks, history, passwords and more from any device to make Firefox your own wherever you use it. Mozila Firefox has the biggest number of ways to customize your online experience specifically for the way you use the web.

The Awesome Bar learns as you browse to make your browser unique. Find your bookmarks, history and tabs when you type in the address bar.

You can now play the games some of your favorites right on the Web without sacrificing speed or overall performance. Firefox is leading the charge in online gaming as part of our efforts to make every aspect of your browsing experience faster

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